Boarding Life Professional Development

The nuclear family structure in the growing urban middle-class of India is new-normal. But it has its drawbacks as most parents do not have enough time to devote to their children. Therefore, the demand for a residential school system has increased since the child is always under watch. Residential schools successfully instill in children habits of discipline, independence, and confidence.

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Education is no longer about learning within the four walls of a building. Rather, it’s a learning outside the classrooms--for life from life, with life. The technological advances in the last two years along with acceleration in learning catalysed by the pandemic have highlighted the importance of community building for a sustainable future with people-planet-profit as a primary goal.

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Young children are naturally inquisitive, curious about what is happening in the world around them, and tend to investigate how things work. Therefore, it is critical to promote scientific learning in early childhood as it would help them visualize how these concepts function in the real world and give them a sense that they can use their knowledge beyond just tests and homework assignments. And, the best way to achieve this is through scientific experiments.

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